Preferred Apex Sires
Apex Pay Dirt 055

Unique, big spread herd bull
Maternally sired by two immortal legends [ Wide Track 545 | Apex Focus 053 ]
Excellent footed
Serviced over 50 females as a yearling
Owned with Wheeler Mountain Ranch (Whitehall, MT)
Apex Chairman 014

A Final Product son with length, volume and eye appeal
Powerful and thick with outstanding performance and EPD's
Sired high selling angus bull at Begger's Diamond V Ranch 2017 sale
Owned with Begger's Diamond V Ranch (Wibaux, MT)
Apex Frontman 081

Sires muscle, thickness and quiet dispositions
From an outstanding, productive cow family
Daughters are very maternal, moderate framed, with nice udders
Owned with Arntzen Angus (Hilger, MT)
Apex Active Duty 1703

Neat, smooth shoulder with extra depth and rib dimension with a long thick rump carrying all the way down to his lower quarter
Sons have been sale toppers throughout the midwest ranch country
1703 provides functionality and efficiency
Owned with Riley Bros Farms (Darlington, WI) and ECO Angus (Gillette, WI)
Apex Windy 078

Explosive performance and consistency shown over and over by this bull
Has and transmits above average muscling, deep quartered, wide topped progeny in an eye appealing moderate frame
Excellent disposition
Owned with Wheeler Mountain Ranch (Whitehall, MT) and Heucherts (Hensel, ND)
HA Sirloin 3186

A good Sirloin son from Hinman's 2013 Production Sale
Really put together, lots of muscle expression, stands on good feet
Hard working herd bull that covered many females while holding his condition
A cowman's bull that's here to stay
Apex Payweight 653

Excels in feed efficiency and gain test
Tremendous maternal pedigree
Progeny of 107S proved to be successful in growth and carcass values
Excellent sire group in the 2017 Apex Sale
WMR Timeless 120

Very pleased with the 120 daughters
Gentle, easy calvers, perfect udders with excellent milk
Progeny are extra long, good gainers with excellent dispositions
Apex Focus 053
